
This page should contain all of the info you need to order a for sale sign installation. If you have any questions or need help logging in, please see the FAQ or "how to" guide below. The best way of communicating with us is by using the comments section of the order form - see "How Do I Place an Order?" for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions (Agents)

What is the Process?
  1. When ordering a sign installation, you can log into our system, fill out a form, and place an order.
  2. We will typically install your sign within 48 hours of the order being approved.
How Do I Login?

Simply login using the email address we have created for you. If you do not have one, please send us a message.

How Do I Place an Installation Order?

You can place an order by logging in further down this page. If you would like help, please use the how-to guide below.

How Do I Place a Removal Order?

There are a couple options depending on your situation - we recommend taking a look at the How-to Guide below!

How Do I Make a Payment?

You can make a payment through the Up Sign Down platform. When you place your first order, it will ask you to put a card on file. You can also update your payment info at any time by logging into your account and clicking "Settings" > "My Credit Card on File."

How Fast Are You Guys?

You should expect your sign to be installed in 24 to 72 hours.

Do You Have a Mobile App?

Yes, we do! It is called "Up Sign Down" and is featured on the major app stores. You can log in using the same credentials as you do from your desktop.

How Can I Manage My Inventory?

You can view your sign inventory within your account using the how-to guide below. Note: if you see a sign marked as "unlimited" quantity, we are still confirming this quantity. Please use it to order and if it's out of stock we will call you.

How Can I Contact You?

If you have a question about something that isn't explained here, please email Chris Chapin at signinstallnow@gmail.com and he'll be happy to help you out!

How-to Guides

Get step-by-step instructions for everything you need to create and manage your orders.

Place an Order

View Guide

Check Inventory

View Guide

Check Order Status

View Guide

Add an Agent

View Guide

Change Offices

View Guide

Add Your Assistant

View Guide

Request a Removal

View Guide